Monday, June 6, 2016

Let's Begin

Why? Why start a blog about sustainability? I watched another documentary. Jane Goodall. Golly, that lady has an inspiring life. It made me think: how can I help the world? What can I do? So, here we go. The ponders of a 5th grade teacher, trying to help the world with the help of Jesus. 

Goal: help others help the world. Help people. Help animals. Help the environment. One way or another, I think we can help the world we live in. One step at a time, one sustainable choice at a time. 

So, here we go. Life details for me? I live in an apartment in Kansas. I like plants. I try to eat as close to the ground as possible (little to no processed foods). My favorite food is strawberries. I teach 5th grade. I love Jesus. He makes my heart sing and gives me reason for life. Coffee is cool (actually, hot), and my limit for that is five cups a day. No more - at about four cups I start to get giddy. 

That's all. Let's work together to help this planet we call home.


I'm pretty classy. That is, pretty and classy. And really cheesy.

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