Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I Teach

Sustainability also can mean sustaining people. My friend asked me to give a brief overview of my job as a teacher (day by day). Here it is. --> 

I teach. Children. Every single day. Math, writing, reading, social studies, STEM, life skills. I take care of everyday needs, like food to fill hungry tummies and making sure that my kids get enough sleep. I make sure that, emotionally, the kids are ready to handle the day and when they’re not, I help them process their emotions and teach them that emotions aren’t bad. I plan lessons according to the 20 different needs in my classroom, making sure that they will understand, while still being engaged. I put value in kids who may not see their value and I build them up so they know they are able to accomplish ANYTHING. That’s a brief overview. I teach. I love. I build.

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