Sunday, September 18, 2016

Clothes Moving

The current pile of clothes to peace out.
So, at constant (always), I'm trying to get rid of many a thing. I look through the closet weekly (well, a couple times a week) and get rid of things. 

I'm a big fan of having reasoning behind doing things. I think reasoning is good because then there's purpose. So, why be in a constant state of getting rid of things?

Moving. Before I settled to teach, I moved every school year and then for the summers. Five years. I think I moved...10 times. Sometimes to the same location, but I still moved. A lot.

A lot.

I strongly dislike moving.

A lot.

Anyways, I went into teaching to love kids and be able to move around the world doing something practical. I would love to teach overseas. But we shall see where the Lord takes me. I just want to be ready if ever that time comes.

At current, I know I'm supposed to be where I'm at. But when it comes that I need to move somewhere, I'll be able to up and do that. I think that's why I clean out all the time. 

Anyways, there's not that much of a point to this besides explaining reasoning. And I'm really tired, so I'm not sure if it made sense. 

OH. I'm also constantly working at cleaning out the random things in my pantry that I have. You know, so I don't buy something I don't need. NOTE. This means I have to know everything that I have in the kitchen. That's been a journey in itself.

So, here we continue getting rid of things and using only what is necessary. It's humbling and happy. And I like not using all the money getting things that I don't need.


PS - I made a bomb cup of tea today. It has warmed my soul.

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