Sunday, November 13, 2016

Too Messed Up To Donate

The average American throws away 65 pounds of clothing a year. YOU. HAVE. GOT. TO. BE. KIDDING. ME. Want to learn more? Here's a good article. 

Go do your thing - go help the world.
So, I have clothes. I've been working at getting rid of them (by donating and selling [look right sidebar]), but I have some that I can't donate for other people to use. They. Have. Holes.

Or stains.

Or both (because I'm super talented).

But anyways, I've been looking for places that I can donate my random jeans with holes and my shirts with stains. I found a company that'll take my jeans, but I have to mail them in. THIS COMPANY IS AWESOME, THOUGH. It recycles old jeans into insulation for houses that are being built. It's called Blue Jeans Go Green. Check it out. 

Anyways, I had also seen online that Goodwill will sometimes, at some locations, will recycle fabric that has been donated that cannot be sold due to their condition. When they recycle it, it may turn into new clothes or be used for a sustainable, practical purpose.

So yesterday I called Goodwill in Manhattan to see if they would take my clothes that are past the point of no return. THEY TAKE THEM. I am so excited! Now I don't have any reason to throw clothes in the trash. What a help to the environment and other people!

That's all.

Don't throw your clothes away - that's dumb.



  1. Yep, all the thrift stores in my area send ripped, torn, stained clothes and fabric scraps to Goodwill because they bulk it up and sell it to the rag and fiber markets.

    1. True! I'm so thankful that they do something that helps the environment and helps people. =].
