Saturday, November 19, 2016

I Love Hy-Vee (and Ice Cream Containers [Part Two])

Look! Zero the scale.
This is not a love note to a store. That's weird. There's just many things about Hy-Vee that I enjoy lots and lots. So, here we go -->

I go to Hy-Vee to mail my things. Why? Because I can't make it to the post office on time. I mail a lot. I contemplate going on the weekend, but then I end up drinking coffee on the couch and forget I'm supposed to go to the post office.

Anyways, Hy-Vee.

I like Hy-Vee. I have a friend (well, I think we're friends. He gave me some mints once. Want to learn more? Apparently I wrote about it here). He usually talks to me about teaching and laughs at my hilarious jokes because I'm a boss. Who flosses. Because teeth.

So, I mailed my mail and went on with my day. That is - I went on with my day to the BULK SECTION. I like the bulk section for many reasons: I can get what I want, I can choose the amount I want, the price is cheaper. If you want to know more? Here. Read this. I like this.
All my fancy ice cream containers WITH labels.

I FOUND OUT SOMETHING NEW AT THE HY-VEE STORE. I asked a couple weeks ago if I could bring my own packaging to save on plastic pollution. They said yes. What did I do this week?


This way, I am saving on plastic pollution. As well, I am using what I have. It's so helpful! Here's your steps so you can save the world this way, too -->

1. Tare the weight of the scale. If you look to the side of the scale in the photo, you'll see a 'zero' button. This is taring the weight on the scale. This'll even it out to zero so you don't have to pay for the cost of your container.
My containers tonight - without labels. I like this look.

2. Get what you want! Fill up your container to as full as you know you will use.

3. Weigh what you got. Please make sure NOT to put the lid on - you didn't tare that, why weigh it? 

4. Put the label on the container. Now, here's a thing - tonight, when I went, I just kept the labels with me and explained what I did. They then scanned the labels (that weren't on the containers) and then my containers didn't have anything on them. Thank goodness!

5. Eat the food. Love the food. Praise God for fresh food.

That's all. Save the world. Go to Hy-Vee. Also, if you can find a way to tare the weight of the scale at Dillons, hit me up. That'd be cool.


 PS - this isn't related, but I got my school pictures this week. I learned my eyes squint when I smile AND I'm really good at looking confused. Awkward. Take a look and giggle with me.

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