Wednesday, December 7, 2016


I've been drinking more water recently. This is pretty exciting, seeing as though previously I drank about five cups of coffee a day and maybe one cup of water.

I have no pictures of water. Here's coconut water. 
That's a problem, if you're wondering. I originally just typed wonderful instead of wondering, so there's that, also. Happy thoughts.

I've noticed changes in my body with less coffee and more water, so here's some of those...

- better sleep (y'all, I don't lay awake for hours on end. That's pretty fun)

- getting less and drinking more. Did you know that sometimes when you think you're hungry, you're actually thirsty? Your body can use the food that you eat to pull out water, but it's a more practical thing to simply drink water.

- less cravings - again, see above. 

- no dehydration headache. Y'all, I would usually get a headache on a weekly basis because I didn't drink water. This was HUGE problem, but I never fixed it. Now I'm beginning to! It's exciting not to get a headache.

And here we leave the coffee - hopefully
for a bit of time while we remember to drink water.
- happiness. Okay, I'm normally quite a joyful person. I have noticed, though, that I'm more joyful with water. What a joyful thing to have an overabundance of joy. 

That's what I have. I know it's not much, but I would like to say that water is good. And I wish I had started drinking more of it sooner. 


Want more reasons to drink water? Here.

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