Sunday, January 15, 2017

Mega Firestarters

Mom and I made more firestarters last night. Dad had a lot of biodegradable pots sitting around in the shop, so we decided to use them to make firestarters. 

First, we filled them with materials. Just like the little firestarters, but with more materials! If you want to know how make firestarters in depth, look at post that was linked there. I don't want to write it again. Sorry, not sorry. 

Anyways, because they're not so little, we don't have to cut up the materials up into small pieces because there's so much space in a plant pot! Oh, I am so thankful.

We put lots of materials in - jean pieces, parts of t-shirts, old wash rags, popsicle sticks, and happiness. Then, we melted down lots of candles we had around the house in an old popcorn popper that I had (I broke it while trying to make sugar corn...I kept the base and everything else found a new the trash). 

We melted the candles, poured it over the firestarters (so they stuck together), waited for them to dry, and then they're done. Take a look for yourself!

Y'all. I'm so excited. We made some beautiful firestarters! Look at them - just look at them! My heart is happy.

Anyways, we were able to use materials we found around the house that we didn't need anymore and we started reusing them in a grand way. A thankful heart is a happy heart. I'm glad for what I have - that's an easy way to start.

So now there are two sizes of firestarters that can be made - cupcake-sized and plant pot-sized. What a good way to be sustainable with using what I have been given and reusing what needs a new purpose. 

Also, dad talked about maybe selling them somehow somewhere. That'd be cool. But I also kind of really just like making them. So we shall see! 


Note. If you don't know what a fire starter is, it's good to start a fire. Like a bonfire. Or fire pit fire. Or inside the house in the fireplace fire. NOT a house fire. Don't get any ideas.

Second note. My mom is the best.


  1. Fun stuff. We used to take disposable ketchup containers fill them with laundry lint then poor melted candles over them. Very effective when backpacking. I enjoy your blog.

    1. That sounds like such a good idea! I'm glad I'm not the only one who makes some sort of fire starters. =]. I'm glad to have you as a reader!
