That all being said, this isn't about that.
I hated mushrooms for the past 25 years. I thought they were super nasty and tasted like death. I don't know what death tasted like, but I think mushrooms were that. Then something happened.
I don't know what. I wish I did. I think I probably found a sale or decided to get over my fear or maybe I accidentally got some mushrooms at a restaurant and I couldn't say no. I don't know what happened, but a change started.
Y'all. I now LOVE mushrooms. Not enough to marry them, but I really like them. Like, a lot.

I don't know. I think maybe because I know I'm eating something healthy. Also, they don't have too much taste. Maybe I think they taste like earth. Not dirt. That's weird.
I'm watching a giant blue jay eat seeds outside right now. It's absolutely majestic. Thank you, Lord, for this bird.
Anyways, turns out...mushrooms are really good for you. Like really good. They provide tons of vitamins and minerals (maybe that's why I feel like they taste like earth). They are one of the only food sources of Vitamin D. They have cancer-preventing qualities. They do lots.
They have lots of fiber, and they're just lovely. Fiber is good for your body. They are also full of antioxidants, so they're basically blueberries.
Did you know you have to cook mushrooms to get the health benefits? I just learned that. It's because the outside walls are indigestible, so cooking them breaks that down.
There's some random facts on mushrooms. Join me in my mushroom journey.
OH. BUT A NOTE. Mushrooms have like no caloric value, so if you just eat mushrooms with nothing else, you'll be super hungry. Personal experience.
OH. And there's so many different kinds! I like the long ones from the Asian grocery (Enoki?).
Here's a reference.
Here's another.