Monday, January 15, 2018

New Year

Well, it's been about a year since I stated some goals. I looked back today. I liked some of them and realized some of them weren't things that I wanted to do.

Anyways, that's fun.

I set some really practical goals for this year. More than that, though, I think maybe not setting goals and just changing things is possible. Maybe not. I don't know.

Starting of the decluttering! I have already looked
through all the clothes. 
Here's my goals -->
1. Be only five minutes late to things (I live late. Really late. Usually 30 or more minutes late...I hope to change that).
2. Declutter all the things. I was thinking of a goal to get rid of a certain number, but I think that's silly.
3. Only buy what I need. This was a goal last year. I think I just broke this goal. Oops.
4. Stick to my budget. I started using the envelope system (I'll probably do a post on this - it's helped a lot. And I feel super cool with all my envelopes).

Those are my goals. I don't like the idea of putting myself in a box of goals, so I'll just try to be on time and do the best I can with what I've been given. After all, the Lord asks me to be a good steward.


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