Monday, April 17, 2017


I wrote letters today. I'm really behind on life things. But I wrote letters! I have a TON of one cent stamps that I don't know what to do with...

...until I thought...

...and thought more...

...and figured out I could do math and put many stamps together.

So that's what I did! I'm a big fan of using what I have (see this) and not getting more than I need. Well, one cent stamps. How in the world to use them?

They make ten cent stamps. And postcard stamps. And when you add cents together, it just makes sense. That was funny.

Anyways, use what you have. And if you want to write me a letter, I'll accept. Just message me for my address. I promise you'll get a response. Unless you don't. Then no promise.


Saturday, April 15, 2017, thank you.

Hello world. I've been working at speaking my want so that I can help the world. I'm not super good at saying what I want, therefore this has been something more difficult than I thought to work on.

So, here's the "wants" I've asked for:
1. Please, no straw.
2. Can that please be in a here cup?
3. No, please, I don't need a bag.

I'm sure there's more. Basically, though, I try to avoid what is disposable so that I can help the world. Slowly, yes, but surely. 

I think there's importance to using your words to help other people/help the world. By keeping silent, nothing gets done. A change happens when your voice speaks. Kindly.


Sunday, April 9, 2017

Twitter and Students

My students now follow me on Twitter (@sidannwest). That's fine, except when I want to post something about school. So, I guess this is where I shall do it. 

1. Have you ever stared at something and thought, "Wow, this is going to explode and make people cry, but I have to do it anyways..."? That's what state testing is like. - April 9, 2017

Lilacs and Love

"God is the best florist," was my constant thought while smelling lilacs and taking some cuttings for my apartment. "He knows how to arrange them in the perfect way," I thought to myself as I tried to arrange my cuttings into a vase.

I'm amazed by how God is so practically beautiful. Not only flowers show beauty, but they also bring a sweet fragrance. My heart is content. 

I really enjoy flowers, but I never buy them. Never. And, honestly, I never have them around my apartment (except the ones I'm growing). It wasn't until yesterday, when my mom told me where I could cut some, did I think of cutting them myself.

What a simple, practical, and lovely thing to do to bring happiness in your life! Jesus has made the flowers - we should take joy and enjoy them. 

Go cut some flowers for yourself and brighten up your home. 


Also, if God takes care of the flowers of the field and dresses them, He can take care of you.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

New Clothing Goal

I have a new goal! I'm really excited about my new goal. Like, really excited. Probably too excited. BUT. I want to just have enough clothes that I wear everything between loads of laundry/everything fits in the closet. 
Why am I so excited about this?

I think I'm too excited about this. But, oh my goodness, I have so many clothes. And I've been getting rid of them forever and forever. Well, for like the last two years. I found three more things to get rid of tonight (a pair of socks, a tank top, three t-shirts to repurpose [this counts as one]). I'm so excited. 

Anyways, I have to figure out a way to be more aware of what I like to wear and what I'm just holding onto. 

Maybe my goal will be that I eventually have a capsule wardrobe. But I think I like lots of colors too much for that. 

Maybe I'll make my goal to have under 100 articles of clothes (a pair of shoes counts as one!). I don't know.

There's my thoughts. I'm far too excited. I should probably be sleeping.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Embrace Your Introvert

Y'all, I'm at a training today for educators and motivating to change - it's exhausting. No, not because of the information and, no, not because of the amount of information. Oh my goodness - there's so many people. It's exhausting.

I'm on break now. I'm drinking tea. By the fireplace. Listening to Ed Sheeran. Blogging. And avoiding conversation. 

I have to go back in six minutes. So. Many. People.

Anyways, this who like introvert, people tire me out, oh my gosh I need to leave for energy is the real deal. So I sat by the fireplace. It's lovely.

That was two hours ago. I had to go back to the meeting.

This is my thought -  for a long time, I didn't want to be someone who needed to get away from people to be rested. I got coffee with multiple people daily in college and talked to SO many people. I was tired...all of the time. 

That also might have been because I worked off of about five hours of sleep a night.

But I know it's important to take time for me. Like, not all the time. I would be a super cool hermit. Alone. But it's important to know my limits and stick to them. I know it's difficult to be in a big group of people for hours and hours. It's draining and exhausting. But, sometimes, it also has to be done. 

In those times, it's good to know that on breaks, I need to go sit somewhere by myself. And be solo.

I learned a bit back about things that fill my bucket and things that drain me. They need to BALANCE. 

- 1:1 intentional conversations (with certain people)
- reading a book
- doing art
- drinking coffee/tea
- decluttering items from my life
- Jesus

- big groups of people
- shopping for clothes
- getting together with new people (even 1:1)
- being in classes for entire days (without movement involved)

Therefore, if something drains me, I need to be filled with a filler. You can fill with something that drains. 

Know yourself. Take care of yourself.


Oh! The training was about utilizing technology to enhance the learning of students. I think they're lovely ideas. I appreciate them AND I'm excited for the possibility of using technology in my classroom.