Saturday, March 11, 2017

Thank You

The radio says some really weird things. Usually, because of this, I zone them out. Or listen to really cool CDs. Like Hamilton. For hours on end. Hours. And hours. 

Here, learn a song from Hamilton. Here, listen to it.

I never thought I would find a use for this.
Anyways, I didn't listen to a CD or zone a couple weeks ago. It went into a segment where someone was talking and they had a REALLY good point. 

Instead of saying sorry, say thank you. 


Instead of saying, "Sorry for being late," say, "Thank you for waiting for me!"

Instead of saying, "Sorry for having to cancel," say, "Thank you for being understanding!"

Instead of saying, "Sorry I didn't explain that clearly," say, "Thank you for taking the time to understand what I was saying."

This does a couple things --> 
1. It takes the emphasis off the negative and turns it to a positive.
2. It takes the emphasis on the thing you did wrong and puts it on what the other person did right.
3. It makes both parties feel a little bit better about the situation.

This change has made life quite lovely the past couple of weeks. I still over-apologize, but I do so less. There are still times that we need to apologize and admit wrong. But, more than that, there are times where we need to thank the people around us for what they do.


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