Then I walked to the coffee shop and got some free shots of espresso. They have posted on their Instagram that they have a special offer to get free coffee if you tell a fact they post. I thought they were all done. Nope. Free coffee and fizzy water for me.

Earlier today, I was checking out my plants that I have in the window. Look at how much they've grown! I got these pots at a 'Buy Nothing' swap, where I was able to grab random items that made my heart joyful. For free. I like free.
And the seeds were from somewhere...I think the swap, too! But look how they're growing. From nothing, it seems, comes something. From baby seeds come mighty trees. Except these aren't trees. Thank goodness.
Lastly, y'all, overalls. When I was in grade school, I wore overalls for three years straight. Not like hyperbole 'three years straight'. This is legit. Every day. I could probably count on my hands the amount of time I wore something besides overalls.

As a side note, also, there's tons of different styles of overalls.
But I got a new pair! It's been years. Someone gave them to me...randomly. The amount of joy I have from them is maybe I bit too much. Whatever. Overalls. I'm thankful.
Find joy in the simple things in life. Jesus provides those.
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