Thursday, December 29, 2016

Real Cups

Welcome to another coffee talk. I went to Bluestem Bistro today and drank a lot of coffee. Well, kind of. I got a soy latte and soy milk and espresso shots. Help us all.

Oh, look! A soy latte.
Last night, I was up until like 1AM because I contemplated classroom management for two hours unintentionally and wondered about classroom projects and then contemplated the lives of my students. It was a hot mess.

AND. I had to be up at 7:00 (well, earlier would have been good) to go to the dentist. I forgot to go to the dentist for one and a half years and then I had a dream about the dentist, woke up, called the dentist because I remembered in my dream that I needed to go. If you tracked with that, props. If not, welcome to my life.

After the dentist (with my sparkling teeth), I went to mail packages of books at Hy-Vee. After mailing the books, I went and hung out at Bluestem for two hours.

Wow, wow, wow. That took a long time to get to. At Bluestem, I decided to get something with no sugar so that my dentist didn't hate me. He encouraged me to floss when he checked my teeth. I do floss. Flossing brings me joy. Oh well. Can't win them all.

Anyways, sugarless. 

Oh, wait. I got steamed soy milk and three espresso shots. Maybe that's a lot of caffeine. Working on like five and a half hours of sleep, I was really still falling asleep while reading my Bible. I was finishing Luke. If you haven't read Luke, please do. It'll inspire your soul.
Oh! Espresso shots and steamed soy milk.

Jesus is beautiful. 

I was also reading A Gospel Primer for Christians. It basically talks about 'preaching the Gospel to yourself' daily. Stating how beautiful God's love is for us and how we can't earn it - it's freely given through Jesus. 

Oh my goodness. I'm struggling with the focus. 

When I got my coffee, I remembered that in the past like 235923850928305 (I struggle to put in commas to numbers...) times I've been to the coffee shop, I've been given a paper cup with a plastic lid. That cannot do! It's bugged me. Why waste paper and plastic when there's ceramic mugs?

So I asked for the real mug. It made me feel happy and at home. It made me happy about fact that I was helping the environment a little baby bit by using a real cup.

Also, I ran into someone online who lives a zero waste life that brings their own cup when they're taking coffee to go. I think that's a lovely idea. I should try that sometime.

Good luck tracking with that. Read Luke. Use a real cup. 


OH! And when I finished the soy milk and espresso shots, maybe I got a soy latte. Basically, I used my coffee money for the week in one morning. 

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