Saturday, September 3, 2016

Coupon Lady

I used to watch (a couple episodes of) the Extreme Couponing show and be terribly sickened by the amount of things people bought for no reason. I didn't understand the purposes of buying so much...stuff. Random stuff. What a mess and what a useless pile of...stuff.

That is mahogany!
Anyways, today I used a couple coupons. I went to Target. At Target, I use Cartwheel. Cartwheel is the best. I can get the items I want, scan them with the Cartwheel application (on my cellular device), and see if I can get an extra coupon on that item. Basically, I'm saving money on items that I was going to buy anyways. I'm thankful for Cartwheel. Today, with that help, I saved 10 dollars on things I was already going to buy.

Cartwheel seems to get dangerous when you look beforehand because then you buy things that you don't need. Don't do that!

I also had TWO other coupons today. One for a new kind of coffee. I got it. It's Mahogany coffee. I saved three dollars off a seven dollar coffee. That's four dollars. I don't believe in bad coffee. That was a good deal.

I also had a coupon for five dollars off a 75 dollar purchase. I didn't think I made that I gave it to the lady in front of me in line. Turns out, I did make that mark. And that lady at the checkout used the coupon again for me. I'm thankful for her - you go, Rebecca, the cool cashier at Target. You make my heart happy.

ALSO. At Traget, if you use your own bags, you get five cents off a bag. I used five of my own bags...that's 25 cents

Lastly, Target REDcard. This is the bomb. You can have a debit option, so it's not necessarily another credit card. It saves you 5% each time you use it, therefore saving money there, too! 

So, world, I saved 30 dollars at Target today. I'm thankful. And I couponed. And I didn't get anything I wouldn't use. 

Life is good when you think practically and only get what you need. Also, only getting things I know all the ingredients to lets me buy less and less and be practical in that way.

Also, why do tortillas have so many preservatives?!



  1. We don't have a Target close to us anymore! 😭

    1. Oh, all the sadness! How do you survive? The tragedy...
