Sunday, July 17, 2016

Slam Poetry

People use poetry to express themselves in ways that aren't usually said. I listen to slam poetry a lot. One of my favorite slam poetry places is Button Poetry. I find a TON of value in people expressing themselves - it sustains them as a person and the people that don't always have the ability to express themselves.

After listening to slam for bit (as you should after this), I encourage you to write your own. Take time, do it. I like to write poetry when listening to poetry, which is really messed up. 

Anyways, here's a couple of my favorite poems -->

Explaining My Depression to My Mother - Sabrina Benaim (about depression and anxiety)

Rigged Game - Dylan Garity (about the school educational system)

The Period Poem - Dominique Christina (this one has a bit of language - sorry about that. I think the words used show a lot of beauty about PERIODS)

The Drug Dealer's Daughter - Siaara Freeman (this one also has a bit of language. It's about the perspective from the drug dealer's daughter)

A Letter to My Unborn Daughter - Javon Johnson (written to his daughter. There's a LOT of language, but the message is REALLY good [I wouldn't suggest listening to if you may get easily offended? I'm not really sure...don't get mad at me because this is your warning...])

Last Conversation Between Malcolm X and His Daughter - Javon Johnson (personalizes Malcolm X with his daughter - this is beautiful)

There's plenty more beautiful poems. And I'll probably mention them later, but here's a start to a beautiful story that you can join in to.

If you listen to the poems, can you tell me what you think? If you find a beautiful poem, will you hit me up with it? 


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