Saturday, July 1, 2017

Choose Intentionality

I'll be all sentimental and jazz for a second - I've been writing a blog for about a year AND this is my 100th post. There has been a lot of changes throughout writing this and I'm really thankful that I can continually go back to the changes I've made. 

So, here's some changes I'm proud of -->
- reusable shopping bags
- reusable produce bags
- homemade toothpaste
- lessening the amount of things I have
- Buy Nothing on the book of faces
- using what I have
- selling things I don't need
- asking for help
- being me
What a wonderful responsibility to take care of our world!

You see, I think by embracing sustainability and finding joy in it, I've been able to be more passionate about it. I care for the earth. Really, quite a bit, I do. I do think it's our responsibility to take care of it. Not only that! To take care of each other. To take care of animals. We have a job. And I'm thankful that I can look back on it. 

So, here's my tidbit to encourage you: make one intentional change. I do believe one person can make a difference. I truly believe it. Maybe just a small difference, but that's still a difference. Make a small change. Refuse the bag at the grocery store. Reuse your "single-use" water bottles. Make your own toothpaste. Speak up if someone asks for help and offer to help.

Be the change. 

Here's a baby giraffe. For your joy.

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