I worked on cleaning out my kitchen this last winter break. I was going to declutter my entire apartment, but no. I didn't. I drank coffee instead.
But my kitchen! I'm so excited about this. Why? Look.
Believe it or not, I can't reach my top cabinet shelf. I can jump to grab what is on the top shelf or I can use a step stool. My tip toes sometimes work. Maybe.
But most of the time? I'm not able to get anything from the top shelf.
So I had to clean it off! I pulled everything off of all of my cabinets - what a messy counter that became - and then I grabbed things one at a time and asked questions to myself. What questions?
- Do I use this?
- Will I use this again?
- Is this good for me and beneficial to my health?
- Does this make me happy or do I have this just because?
So many questions. Well, four questions. Not too many. But when asking four questions for over 100 items is 400 questions. Also, did you know that your cabinets hold a heck of a lot? Yeah, me neither. Crud.
I cleaned everything out, wiped it down, and then purposefully put things back. Snacks foods on higher shelves, cooking jazzy jazz on lower shelves.
I had to make sure everything was close enough to the front of the cabinet so it doesn't get lost in the cabinet.
You see, if I don't see that I have something, I lose it. That's why I don't use the fruit/veggie drawers in my fridge. I forget I have the things. They die a slow and painful death and I find them two months later.
So, that's my cabinet cleaning decluttering joy. I got rid of over 50 items from the cabinet. I also realized I don't use spices when cooking and I'm cool with that. Also, I was able to give lots of jazzy jazz to people and they can use it! What happiness that brings my heart.
Go clean out your cabinet. Give it to people. Don't keep things you don't need.
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