Or maybe even not quickly move, but just not have to have a ton of stuff if I ever move. Life note - I don't like moving. Like really don't. I think that's for a couple reasons, but the biggest one is that I don't like coming to terms with how much stuff I have.
Because, let's get real: it's really just stuff.
It's just stuff.
Anyways, watching videos about decluttering and cleaning out and minimalism helps me get rid of things and get away from a materialistic view on life. And things. Because things don't make you joyful - that's what Jesus does.
Anyways, watched the video. Had Bible study. Talked to one of the girls in my study about her needing things for apartment. Mentioned I had extra things. After study, I got to clean out cabinets to help her out.
Put those two things together and what do you get? A cabinet simply full of coffee cups.
But I got to clean them out! I took out each cup, looked at it, and asked if it gave me joy. If it didn't? Bye. If it did? Hi.
Seemed simple - and it was. I'm thankful! I feel like one area at a time, things will leave.
Note, also. I'm not a hoarder. I want to be wise with what I have been given and what I need.
My mom used to have a note on the fridge that said, "
Have nothing in your home that you don't deem useful or beautiful." I think that's a good life philosophy.
It sustains my brain. It sustains my ability to serve. It also helps sustain other people.
That's the goal.
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