Saturday, November 5, 2016

Cabinets and Coffee Cups

I cleaned out my cabinets on Wednesday evening. Well, tried. I watched a video (this video - it rocked my world). I know, I know. It won't happen to each person that watches that video will have a reaction, but I seemed to. I've wrote about this before, but I want to clean out the items that I have in order to be able to quickly move if I need to. 

Or maybe even not quickly move, but just not have to have a ton of stuff if I ever move. Life note - I don't like moving. Like really don't. I think that's for a couple reasons, but the biggest one is that I don't like coming to terms with how much stuff I have.

Because, let's get real: it's really just stuff.

And there's no eternal value to stuff.

It's just stuff.

Anyways, watching videos about decluttering and cleaning out and minimalism helps me get rid of things and get away from a materialistic view on life. And things. Because things don't make you joyful - that's what Jesus does.

Anyways, watched the video. Had Bible study. Talked to one of the girls in my study about her needing things for apartment. Mentioned I had extra things. After study, I got to clean out cabinets to help her out.

Now, I really like coffee. People know that. A lot. So, an easy gift for people to give has been coffee cups. But I also like to buy coffee cups.

Put those two things together and what do you get? A cabinet simply full of coffee cups.


But I got to clean them out! I took out each cup, looked at it, and asked if it gave me joy. If it didn't? Bye. If it did? Hi.

Seemed simple - and it was. I'm thankful! I feel like one area at a time, things will leave. 

Note, also. I'm not a hoarder. I want to be wise with what I have been given and what I need.

My mom used to have a note on the fridge that said, " 
Have nothing in your home that you don't deem useful or beautiful." I think that's a good life philosophy. 

It sustains my brain. It sustains my ability to serve. It also helps sustain other people.

That's the goal.


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