Finances are hard and I'm not a fan of not knowing where rent is going to come from. That's a thing. I was praying A LOT about how to pay for finances. By A LOT I mean just that: a lot. For a job, for free food, for help. For love and joy and all the happy things. And I know God is good. I believe He provides. He takes care of His children. So, here's my life. 1. I got a full time sub position at a school that I absolutely love. I didn't know I would love it - but I do. The community is fiercely beautiful and people came to my room to meet me. Just to meet me. To say, "Hey!" 2. I had gotten rid of most of my teaching things...because I was planning to move. When I got this job this past Friday, I had nothing. Nothing to organize a classroom. A lack of materials. Nothing to decorate. What was I to do? I asked. For help. I asked my local Buy Nothing group. I talked to my friends. And everything that I needed was provided: classroom snacks, organizational bins, classroom supplies. Basically, everything. I'm so thankful. 3. I've been budgeting super mega lot. I'll write about that. I've had multiple people provide meals for/buy me meals/I love tacos. 4. My dear friends, David and Kristin, invited me over tonight. They provided me coffee and free WiFi. 5. I got rid of my WiFi because I thought I wouldn't have the funds for it. Looking back, now, I see that was a very wise decision. It was just what I was supposed to do. I think I may get rid of it forever. 6. I was praying that if Jesus wanted me to stay at this school for longer (or consider it) that He would make it very clear. Well, He did. The other option that was on the table fell through. Therefore, that was Jesus answering so clearly. Anyways, you can pray about that with me. 7. I've had such peace about this transition. It's so...gentle. And kind. And I see God's hand in ALL of it. It's where I'm supposed to be. Anyways, there's my life update, also, if you're wanting to know. I only have 20 things on my to-do list now. Peace.
I think I've talked about asking people for help before. In fact, I'm pretty sure of that. I haven't talked much about asking God for help. That's usually because that's intentional 1:1 conversation and not from a blog. But, alas, it's Thursday. Maybe I should write a post every Thursday. Anyways, tonight I came face-to-face with...myself. My broken side. The side that people don't like to acknowledge is part of them because it hurts.
But it's part of us, whether we want to acknowledge it or not.
So, my brokenness was pointed out. Kindly, gently, humbly, and fiercely. It's amazing how Jesus uses people to point out the areas that we need to work on. He uses broken people to help broken people. Broken people are used by Jesus to change the world. Anyways, I was driving, after that conversation. And praying. Praying and driving. Asking Jesus why. Asking Jesus for someone to talk to, but it's like 10:20 at night and I couldn't just call someone up because...sleeping. He told me to go to the grocery store. I asked why. He said to just go. I thought maybe I'd run into someone I know to talk to. Or meet someone. Or maybe just because I love the grocery store. So, I went to the store. Walked around. Found apples. Invested in bananas. Bought plantains. Wandered for about 20 minutes. Calmed down. Prayed quite a bit. Checked out. Still wondered why I was at the grocery store. I didn't feel better. I didn't really understand why. But I walked out the door and looked down - and found a penny. Joy. Small joy. I then stand up and head towards the door and see a dear friend. I walked out, met her, and walked back in the store with her. I needed to live life alongside someone. To tell my life and not be okay. You see - it's okay to not be okay. We checked out, went outside, talked, and she prayed for me. Y'all. I asked Jesus for help. He answered in such a mighty way. I took my time walking around the store, grabbing a penny, and saw the answer. All this to say: I serve a God who answers prayer. And I'd like to introduce Him to you. Peace.