I have been blessed with so many lovely friends. So many. I got sick the other day. Like...real sick. I haven't been this sick in over a year.
It all started with a headache. I thought it was just a headache (but I don't get headaches). Then I worked a bit. Then I went to family dinner. Went home.
Woke up at 6AM. My stomach was cramping. Maybe that's too much information. Whatever.
Thought about taking Advil. Do I have any? No. I used them all and my three left are at school.
I put a post on Buy Nothing.
No response.
I texted four friends.
Within 20 minutes, I had three responses. Within 15 minutes, though, my friend, Julie, had come over and brought me ibuprofen.
Which I couldn't take because I opened the door to greet her, said, "Hi..." and then ran to throw up.
Which I did.
Did she leave?
No. She stayed with me. Made tea. Talked to me. And
prayed for me. Then she left.
Twenty minutes later, I sent out a group text. I asked for crackers and Sprite. Why? Puke. Gross.
Three minutes, I got an answer. Max could come in 40 to 60 minutes with them.
Then Rachel asked if she could get me anything. I asked for crackers.
Max came with crackers and Sprite. I was late to answer the door. Why? Well, here's this conversation...
"Oh! Sorry to be late to answer the door. I was puking." - Sidney
"Aw, that's a bummer." - Max
Twenty minutes after that, Rachel came with crackers. And wouldn't hug me because germs.
Thank you for taking care of your health, Rachel.
One hour later, my mom and sister, Lynda, came to the door! They didn't need much, but they saw if I was okay! I was. I had puked an hour before, so life was good. They quickly rushed out the door in joy.
One hour later, there was a knock on the door. My friend Jamison had come to see if I needed anything and to see that I was okay. I was. Why? I was on ibuprofen and thought the world was awesome. Jamison hung out in my my germs for all the time.
I love the pop-ins to my home.
It makes my heart happy.
In this time, my friends Agni, Grace, Marzieh, Judith, Julie, Braden, and Tiffany were making sure I was still alive and making sure if I needed anything that I was taken care of.
Marzieh asked if I needed anything and offered soup. Y'all. This soup is amazing. This friendship is amazing. I was so grateful when she showed up at my door with soup and joy and a smile on her face.
I can't tell you how thankful I am for her.
How lovely. Thank you, Julie. |
Then, Julie texted me again, seeing if I needed anything. I asked for seltzer water (with no flavoring). She came. Brought me the water and flowers. My heart was so full. I feel so much joy through the beauty of flowers and how Jesus made them.
Then I made sub plans and needed to put in for a sub. I went next door and asked my neighbor if I could borrow his wifi to get a sub. He said yes. Thank you, Jeff, for taking care of me and my students.
I was able to ask the other 6th grade teacher, Nancy, questions of what to do for a sub (because this is the first time I've been sick all year).
How humbling!
Then I slept.
Woke up at 9:30.
Had at least five texts from multiple people asking how I was doing.
I'm so thankful for the friends that the Lord has blessed me with. I'm thankful for kind people. I'm thankful.
I hope you have a good Monday.
I'm thankful for people who care from the other side of the world. Thank you, Kewal. |